


發(fā)布時間:2024-08-15 發(fā)布人:天合·種電 發(fā)布來源:http://51lib.com.cn/


After installing a rooftop photovoltaic power station, it is inevitable to encounter situations where dust, fallen leaves, bird droppings, and other debris accumulate on the surface of the components, greatly affecting the power generation of the photovoltaic power station. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the solar panels of the photovoltaic power station. According to industry insiders, regularly cleaning photovoltaic solar panels can effectively increase electricity generation by about 8% annually. So, how to clean photovoltaic solar panels? How often is it appropriate to clean? What tool is the best for cleaning photovoltaic panels? Today, we are here to answer for you.



From the current perspective, owners of solar panels in rooftop photovoltaic power plants can clean them themselves, and unless there are special circumstances, there is no need to spend money to find a professional operation and maintenance team. The cleaning tools for solar panels are also quite common, including high-pressure water guns, soft bristled brushes, cotton mops, etc. These tools are low-cost and easy to use,.


When cleaning, if there is only a small amount of dust on the surface of the solar panel, simply rinse it with a high-pressure water gun. If there are granular pollutants such as sand and mud on the surface, you can first use a high-pressure water gun to wash away the particles, and then use a soft bristled brush to scrub to avoid particles sticking to the electrical board. If there are sticky pollutants such as bird droppings and oily pollutants on the surface, use a clean cloth to wipe them off, and clean them with glass water. Finally, rinse with a water gun.


When cleaning, if there is only a small amount of dust on the surface of the solar panel, simply rinse it with a high-pressure water gun. If there are granular pollutants such as sand and mud on the surface, you can first use a high-pressure water gun to wash away the particles, and then use a soft bristled brush to scrub to avoid particles sticking to the electrical board. If there are sticky pollutants such as bird droppings and oily pollutants on the surface, use a clean cloth to wipe them off, and clean them with glass water. Finally, rinse with a water gun.

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